So what is this Hypnosis all about?
What is Hypnosis?
Healing by trance state has been acknowledged for centuries and has been observed, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world. However, the term 'hypnosis' (from the Greek 'Hypnos', meaning 'sleep') was only coined around 1840 and remains a somewhat less than accurate description of the experience as, in most respects, the hypnotic state is entirely dissimilar to sleep. At our current level of knowledge, the phenomenon cannot be conclusively defined but perhaps a reasonable interim definition might be that : 'Hypnosis is a state of mind, enhanced by (although not exclusively) mental and physical relaxation, in which our subconscious is able to communicate with our conscious mind'. This state of mind may be brought about either by oneself unaided (self-hypnosis) or with the help of another person. If this other person is a trained professional, who utilises the resultant state to encourage beneficial change to occur, the process is referred to as 'Hypnotherapy'.

What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a skilled communication aimed at directing a person’s imagination in a way that can help elicit changes in some perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. In a typical hypnotherapy session I will discuss the intended alterations or therapeutic goals desired. I will ask questions about previous medical history, general health and lifestyle to decide on the best approach for the individual.
Hypnotherapy may be found to be helpful for those seeking relief from a range of problems and is used alongside a person’s own willpower and motivation to seek a desired goal. It is often used to help relieve anxiety, aid sleeping, help with weightless, and help clients achieve behavioural change to help stop smoking. Hypnotherapy may also be used to enhance performance in areas such as sport and public speaking.

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